Hola!! comenzamos la semana visitando un sitio precioso, ya os comenté que había sido invitada junto a mi grupo de amigas bloggers a disfrutar un fin de semana del precioso hotel rural El Capricho de la Portuguesa . Pues hoy os cuento un poquito más de la visita, el encantador hotel se encuentra en el pueblo de Benialí, en la Vall de Gallinera, una zona al norteste de la provincia de Alicante rodeada de montañas y una vegetación espectacular por lo que la llaman la "Provenza Alicantina" y con eso ya os podéis hacer una idea.
Además de eso, el hotel es una preciosidad, decoradora con muchísimo gusto por sus propietarios, cuidando cada detalle y rincón de la casa, una verdadera delicia. Y si esto no era suficiente, cuentan con una encantadora zona de aguas y masajes de la que desde luego disfrutamos degustando unas botellas de cava rodeadas de velitas, el sitio perfecto para ponernos al día y enterarnos de alguna buena noticia que otra ;)
Tras la sesión de aguas nos fuimos directas al restaurante Sabors muy cerquita del hotel, podéis ir andando sin problema, os encantara su buena cocina y la simpatía de sus propietarios, desde aquí les doy las gracias por la fantástica cena que nos ofrecieron, al igual que a la tienda on line Misterspex , que también participo de esta invitación además de regalarnos una de sus chulísimas gafas a cada una, las mías las podéis ver más abajo, me encantan!!
Os dejo con un montón de fotos del finde y agradezco mil millones de veces a los propietarios de El Capricho, al restaurante Sabors y a MisterSpex lo bien que se portaron con todas nosotras, y por supuesto a Elena Vidal de AlicanteStreetStyle responsable de la organización, una máquina nuestra Elenita <3
Un beso a todos y os deseo un gran comienzo de semana!!
Hi !! begin the week visiting a beautiful place, I commented that I had been invited by my group of friends bloggers enjoy a weekend of beautiful rural hotel El Capricho of the Portuguese. Well today I will tell you a little more of the visit, the charming hotel is located in the village of Benialí in Gallinera, an area north east of the province of Alicante surrounded by mountains and spectacular vegetation so the call "Provence Alicante" and with that you can and you get the idea.
Besides that, the hotel is gorgeous, decorator with great taste by the owners, taking care of every detail and corner of the house, a real treat. And if this was not enough to have the lovely waters since then enjoyed a few bottles of cava tasting surrounded by candles, the perfect place to catch up and learn some other good news;)
After the session of water we went direct to the restaurant Sabors very close to the hotel, you can walk without a problem, you will love the fine cuisine and the friendliness of the owners, from here I thank you for the fantastic dinner we were offered as the online store also participated Misterspex this invitation also to give us one of their very cool glasses each, mine ye can see below, I love !!
I leave you with a lot of pictures of weekend and thank billion times the owners of El Capricho, the restaurant Sabors MisterSpex and how well behaved with all of us, and of course Elena Vidal AlicanteStreetStyle responsible for the organization, a Elenita our machine <3
A kiss to all and I wish you a great start to the week !!
Besides that, the hotel is gorgeous, decorator with great taste by the owners, taking care of every detail and corner of the house, a real treat. And if this was not enough to have the lovely waters since then enjoyed a few bottles of cava tasting surrounded by candles, the perfect place to catch up and learn some other good news;)
After the session of water we went direct to the restaurant Sabors very close to the hotel, you can walk without a problem, you will love the fine cuisine and the friendliness of the owners, from here I thank you for the fantastic dinner we were offered as the online store also participated Misterspex this invitation also to give us one of their very cool glasses each, mine ye can see below, I love !!
I leave you with a lot of pictures of weekend and thank billion times the owners of El Capricho, the restaurant Sabors MisterSpex and how well behaved with all of us, and of course Elena Vidal AlicanteStreetStyle responsible for the organization, a Elenita our machine <3
A kiss to all and I wish you a great start to the week !!
Mis compañeras Esther, Patricia , Leticia, Maria, Patricia, Mar , Elena, sois geniales, un besazo chicas !!
Un saludo so chic.